At BCXR, we are proud to offer many different levels in our lesson and training programs. We are also very proud of the BCXR show team, who represent BCXR with professionalism and sportsmanship when they compete.


We teach students of all ages – on their own horses or our lesson horses. We have 12 lesson horses to accommodate all levels of riders, from beginner to advanced. Lesson times are available seven days a week, starting early in the morning. Our four lighted arenas make it possible for us to teach during the evening hours, and we have our own private cross-country course! We offer lessons in Beginning English Riding,  Dressage, Stadium Jumping and Cross Country Jumping.


We offer many levels of training, including full-time basic training, advancing your horse’s skills, and correctional training (if you and your horse have reached an impasse). We also offer conditioning, for those times when you be need to be out of town and would like your horse to continue his regular exercise regimen.